
Taki Plaza運営委員会のもと、教職員と協力しながらTaki Plazaの活用を考える学生委員会、Taki Plaza Gardener(以下TPG)より、「若葉祭2023」の開催をお知らせします。




ぐるなび会長 滝久雄様をお招きし、Taki Plazaを拠点に活動する学生団体とともに、Taki Plazaのこれまでとこれからについて語り合います。




若葉祭2023公式ホームページ https://www.tpgd.jp/w-top
Taki Plaza Gardener公式ホームページ https://www.tpgd.jp/

東京工業大学 学務部 学生支援課 支援企画グループ

Wakaba Festival 2023, April 11-14

Taki Plaza Gardener (TPG) is pleased to announce that Wakaba Festival 2023 will take place over four days from Tuesday, April 11 through Friday 14.

TPG, a student organization operating under the Taki Plaza Steering Committee, is working closely with Tokyo Tech faculty and staff in planning better utilization of the plaza. We are now prepared to take on the annual welcome event for new students. The Wakaba Festival, participated in by various student clubs and organizations, is one of the biggest events at Tokyo Tech that offer opportunities to get connected with other students. Current students are also highly encouraged to join in.

Brief overview of festival schedule
Tuesday, April 11 through Thursday, April 13:
Student clubs showcase their activities in their own unique way, by talking directly to visitors in booths, performing music and dance on the stage, or holding hands-on workshops.
Participating clubs may differ by day, so please check out the full timetable for details.
Friday, April 14:
TPG holds fun events such as cooking demonstrations, party games shown live on a big screen, and an escape game in which a team of players must accomplish tasks together in order to exit an imaginary room. TPG is also planning to host a mystery-solving event during the festival period.

A commemorative event celebrating Taki Plaza’s second anniversary is scheduled for Wednesday, April 12. A discussion session on past accomplishments and future plans will be held, attended by a group of students working on activities at Taki Plaza and a special guest, Mr. Hisao Taki, Chairman of Gurunavi, Inc.

No registration is necessary, so just drop by.

For further details, please visit the Wakaba Festival 2023 website: https://www.tpgd.jp/w-top
About Taki Plaza Gardener: https://www.tpgd.jp/

Support Planning Group, Student Support Division
Student Services Department
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Email: gak.sie@jim.titech.ac.jp
