また以前からあるパニーニはパンがピタパンからフォカッチャに変わり (中身の具材は変わりません。)柔らかくも弾力のあるパンに中身との相性もさらにアップしました。こだわりは”それぞれのパンには余計なものを一切使用せずシンプルで無添加なところ” だそうです。


The new panini is a fluffy, unbaked type of bread and comes in two types: egg and corned beef and potato salad.
For the Panini, the bread has been changed from pita bread to focaccia (the filling remains the same). The soft yet elastic bread is now even more compatible with the contents. The breads are simple and additive-free, without using any unnecessary ingredients.
There are also two new different pizza : salami and bacon and Neapolitan.

In addition, macaroni and cheese will be available again on October 1. This is a time-limited item from around 11:00 to 13:00, and will end as soon as it is sold out. I can’t wait.
Please come and taste our new menu!

