Taki Plazaの建設は2019年5月に始まり、作業は仮囲いで見えなくなりました。「Taki Plaza仮囲いアートプロジェクト」は、真っ白に広がる仮囲いそのものを活用し、Taki Plazaの役割を広く知ってもらう企画です。東工大生や教職員だけでなく、ご近所の皆さんも力を合わせて色を塗り、カラフルに仕上げた大作です。

環境・社会理工学院 建築系 学士課程3年の戸邉尭暉さんが作成した「Taki Plaza 建設現場アートプロジェクト メイキング映像」を公開しますので,ぜひご覧ください。BGMのピアノ曲(ラヴェル「水の戯れ」)も,本学学生の演奏です。

The construction of Hisao & Hiroko Taki Plaza, the new student exchange hub gradually rising at the heart of Ookayama Campus, has been underway since May 2019. Thanks to a student-led, community-wide effort, the wall on the west side of the building site is now a 20-meter-long, 2.6-meter-high mural expressing the journey of Tokyo Tech students.

Be sure to check out the behind-the-scenes video created by Tobe Takaki, a third-year architecture and building engineering student, featuring Ravel’s piano piece “Playing Water” also performed by a Tokyo Tech student.

デザインコンセプト(工学院 機械系 学士課程3年神田海都)/Description of the mural’s concept by third-year mechanical engineering student Kaito Kanda




Flowing from left to right, the painting as a whole represents the development of Tokyo Tech students into unique, skilled professionals who share their knowledge with the world. Through their exchanges — sometimes serious and at other times mischievous — the students begin trusting and influencing each other. Hence the blue handprints. Their shared journey commences in Japan, an island nation depicted by the sea, mountains, and urban landscapes, and Tokyo Tech, represented by the swallow, the symbol of the Institute. As we move to the right of the mural, we see students learning and approaching their goals, growing as human beings who begin to see things with more clarity, and eventually breaking out of their molds as ambitious, driven individuals.