Taki Plazaイベントスペースにて「もち & かき氷 パーティー」を開催しました

東京工業大学国際交流学生会SAGEの主催で、6月28日(金)に大岡山キャンパスTaki Plazaイベントスペースにて「もち & かき氷 パーティー」を開催しました。本イベントには約40名が参加し、留学生だけでなく、英語を話すために参加した日本人学生も多くみられました。

On Friday, June 28, we SAGE held the Mochi & Kakigori Party at the Taki Plaza event space on Ookayama Campus. Approximately 40 people participated in this event, including not only international students but also many Japanese students who joined to practice speaking English.
Participants used a shaved ice machine to shave ice themselves and freely chose from four types of syrup. For many, it was their first time eating kakigori or shaving ice, making it a fresh and exciting experience. At the same time, participants enjoyed picking bite-sized mochi and selecting various Japan-related toppings such as anko and soy sauce. During the event, participants engaged in human bingo and free conversations, deepening their interactions with each other. It was a great opportunity for students from different backgrounds to actively communicate, promoting international exchange.
This event provided a fresh experience for many participants and served as an excellent opportunity to deepen cross-cultural exchanges. We will continue promoting student interactions through similar events in the future.
