東京工業大学大岡山キャンパスの学生交流施設Taki Plazaにて10月11日に留学経験者の交流を目的としたイベント「留学から帰ってきた君たちはどう生きるか」を開催しました。 留学未経験者から長期留学経験者まで、当日は30名前後の参加者が集まり自身の留学経験や目標の言語化、参加者同士の交流を行いました。留学経験者への相談や留学時のエピソードを共有しあうなど、各々が効果的にイベントを活用しており大盛況に終わりました。1時間半という短い時間でしたが、イベント後もスペースに残って交流を続ける参加者も多数見受けられました。 今後もこのようなイベントを開催していくのでぜひチェックしてみてくださいね。FLAPのウェブサイトにもいろんな情報がありますので是非遊びに来てください
On October 11th, an event titled “How to live your life after returning from study abroad” was held at Taki Plaza. It was aimed at promoting communications among individuals interested in studying abroad. Approximately 30 participants, ranging from those who have never studied abroad to those with extensive experience, attended the event. They engaged in discussions about their own study abroad experiences, articulating their goals, and networking with fellow participants. The atmosphere was lively as they shared advice or their own experiences. Although the event was relatively short, many participants were observed continuing their discussion staying in the space even after the event finished. We plan to continue hosting events like this event, so please make sure to check them out. There is also much information available on our FLAP website, so please visit our website.