ものつくり系サークル合同説明会 2022年冬

どうも!iGEM Tokyo Techです!
直前の宣伝になってしまい申し訳ございませんが、来たる12/21(水)13:30-16:00にTaki Plaza地下2階イベントスペースにてものつくりサークル4団体合同でサークル説明会を行います!

Hello! I’m a member of iGEM Tokyo Tech! Sorry for the last-minute announcement, but we are going to have a club information session on December 21 (Wed.) from 1:30 pm to 16:00 pm at the event space on the second basement floor of Taki Plaza with four Technology-related clubs! Whether you are looking to acquire knowledge and skills in science and technology, seeking new stimulation in your university life, or just happen to have some free time, we are looking forward to seeing you there! There will be two booths, one for presentations and the other for individual explanations and answers to questions, so whether you just want to drop by or take a closer look, please visit!