工・物・環合同 学生国際交流プログラム Tokyo Tech-MIT Student Exchange Program 留学報告会・説明会が開催されます!

Program Study report & Orientation of International Exchange Program &Tokyo Tech-MIT Student Exchang

工・物・環合同 学生国際交流プログラム Tokyo Tech-MIT Student Exchange Program 留学報告会・説明会が開催されます!
会の最後には留学経験者とのFree Talk Sessionも予定しております。

日 時: 2月14日(水)16:00~17:30 *出入り自由
場 所: Taki Plaza Event Space
対象者: 留学に興味のある東工大の修士課程学生,博士課程学生,学士課程学生
発表校:UC Berkeley / RWTH Aachen / German Aerospace Center / MIT (学部生対象)
   *留学経験者とのFree Talk Sessionも予定しております!

メール : ko.intl@jim.titech.ac.jp

Hello everyone,
Program Study report & Orientation of International Exchange Program &Tokyo Tech-MIT Student Exchange will be held.
Students interested in studying abroad are welcome!
Also we will hold a Free talk session at the end of the meeting.
We are very looking forward to your coming.

【Time & Date】 Wednesday, February 14, 16:00-17:30
【Venue】 Taki Plaza Event Space
【Students】Students interested in studying abroad *No registration *Free entry
【Universities】UC Berkeley / RWTH Aachen / German Aerospace Center / MIT(undergraduate)
 *Free Talk Session with students who had study abroad will be scheduled

Click here for detail
【Inquires】International Exchange Team ko.intl@jim.titech.ac.jp

