フィルム上映会『「生きる」大川小学校 津波裁判を闘った人たち』

Film screening “‘Live’ Okawa Elementary School: Those who fought the tsunami trial.”

東日本大震災の津波で甚大な被害を出した宮城県石巻市の大川小学校。遺族たちが真実を求めて闘った10年間を記録した映画『「生きる」大川小学校 津波裁判を闘った人たち』をTaki Plazaで上映します。

フィルム上映会『「生きる」大川小学校 津波裁判を闘った人たち』
Taki Plaza大階段・地下2階イベントスペース(入場無料)

※東工大VG:復興支援・防災活動・地域連携を軸に学内外で様々なボランティア活動を展開している。普段は週1回Taki Plazaにてランチミーティングを行っている。
東工大VG公式X 公式X

More than 12 years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Therefore, would you like to touch on the memories of the earthquake and think about disaster prevention again?

Okawa Elementary School in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture was severely damaged by the tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake. The film “‘Live’ Okawa Elementary School: Those who fought the tsunami trial.”, which documents the 10 years the bereaved families fought for the truth, will be screened at Taki Plaza.

Thursday, November 9, 2023 18:00-20:30
Film screening “‘Live’ Okawa Elementary School: Those who fought the tsunami trial.”
Taki Plaza grand staircase and B2F event space
Free entrance / The language of the movie is Japanese.
Co-sponsored by: Tokyo Tech VG (Student Volunteer Group), Institute for Liberal Arts (ILA)
*Tokyo Tech VG engages in various volunteer activities both inside and outside Tokyo Tech, centering on reconstruction support, disaster prevention activities, and regional cooperation. There is usually a lunch meeting once a week at Taki Plaza.
Tokyo Tech VG official X: 公式X

