







Taki Plazaは設置にあたり、留学生を始めとした様々な学生へのヒアリング、留学生交流や学生支援に特徴のある国内外の大学の調査を行いました。「外国人学生と日本人学生がここで出会い、絆を深め、共にまだ見ぬ未来を生み出そう」というブランドコンセプトをもとに、Taki Plazaでは「つながる」をキーワードに、以下を実現します。

  • 1)留学生を含む多様な学生、教職員が集う交流イベントスペース
  • 2)教育改革によるカリキュラム刷新に伴い活発化した、グループ学習のためのスペース
  • 3)海外の大学や留学支援の情報、学生同士の情報を共有できるインフォメーションスペース
  • 4)学生にとって必要なサービスが、ワンストップでスムーズに受けられるサポートスペース

Taki Plazaが様々な垣根を越えたコミュニティ構築に貢献し、教育改革のコンセプトである主体的な志が学生自身によって実現されることで、真の改革の達成がなされることが期待されています。

Creating a Student-Centered “Space to Connect”

While planning the establishment of Taki Plaza, Tokyo Institute of Technology received considerable input from a broad range of international students and other members of Tokyo Tech’s student population. We also surveyed distinguished universities both in Japan and abroad that are active in overseas student exchange and student support services. Rooted in the concept of providing a space where international and Japanese students connect, deepen ties, and create a better future together, Taki Plaza is furnished with the following amenities that align with the key theme of connection.

  • 1)Event spaces where students, faculty, and staff gather for exchange
  • 2)Group work areas to better facilitate Tokyo Tech’s curriculum bolstered by the education reform
  • 3)Information hotspots where students can discuss shared interests and access information on study abroad and overseas universities
  • 4)Support desks that provide students with easy, one-stop access to a variety of services

Taki Plaza is positioned to foster a community that reaches across various borders and empowers students to pursue their own initiatives, which is pivotal to the core concept of Tokyo Tech’s proactive education reform. We are confident that this is a stance destined to spur fruitful reforms in the true sense of the word.




寄附者からのメッセージA Message from Our Chief Donor






株式会社ぐるなび 取締役会長・創業者
滝 久雄

I never underestimate the value of uncompromising support for international students. Communication is crucial to international exchange and will spur the growth of Japanese students and this country for decades to come.

Japan is renowned for its scenic beauty, rich heritage, cuisine, and amiable citizens. I hope that overseas students will come to appreciate the nation and its virtues, convey its charm to others, and help bolster the county’s tourism industry.

Productive exchanges with international students can also forge trust with future leaders in other nations. Increasing the number of strong global allies who appreciate Japan will be instrumental in fostering relations overseas.

I encourage our Japanese students and faculty — as well as alumni associations, local shopping districts, and other community members — to develop interaction with overseas students beyond casual conversation, studies, and research. Pursue deeper discussion on leisure and everyday life in Japan in order to strengthen ties.

Such actions can inspire homestays, hands-on exchanges, and other cherished connections. Please strive to deepen respect and understanding of each other’s values and nurture resilient bonds.

Tokyo Tech is one of Japan’s foremost universities and currently hosts students from over eighty countries. We must improve on the levels of communication achieved so far, and build productive associations that live beyond graduation. My greatest desire is that our initiatives yield results that extend to other universities and throughout Japan as exemplars of international exchange.

October 2020

Hisao Taki
Chairman and Director・Founder
Gurunavi, Inc.

大学からのメッセージA Message from the President


この度、本学の卒業生である株式会社ぐるなび取締役会長の滝久雄様より多大なご寄附を賜り、“Hisao & Hiroko Taki Plaza” の建設に至りました。本施設には、1)学生が企画主体となる国際交流イベントスペース、2)様々なセミナーが開催できるワークショップスペース、3)学生が自由に選べるグループ学習スペースが設けられます。合わせて、学生のディスカッションスペース、各種学習サポートスペース等、多様な場を提供し、日本人学生及び留学生が自由に活動を展開し、イノベーションの種を生み出すことのできる場として整備します。変化の速いグローバル社会の中で、未来をリードし続ける東工大を支え、学生とともに進化し続ける施設を、“Team東工大”の力で創っていきます。

Taki Plaza に関連する工事の進捗状況やイベント情報については、ホームページにて逐次報告させていただきます。東工大の新たなランドマークとなるTaki Plazaの完成にご期待ください。

東京工業大学 学長
益 一哉

Tokyo Institute of Technology is one of the world’s premier science and technology universities and a hub of innovation and future leaders. In the quest for groundbreaking ideas, hosting global encounters and fostering talented, free-thinking individuals is essential.

We are proud to announce the construction of Taki Plaza, enabled by generous donations from Hisao Taki, a Tokyo Tech alumnus and the Chairman and Director of Gurunavi, Inc.

Taki Plaza incorporates: (1) An event space for student-led initiatives that will enhance international exchange; (2) a workshop area for seminar-style gatherings; and (3) a group study space for all students to use as they see fit. It also provides discussion spaces, learning support spaces, and other amenities to help students develop their concepts and plant seeds of innovation.

In our rapidly transforming global society, “Team Tokyo Tech” will create a facility that supports our efforts to spearhead a bright future and continues to evolve along with our prized students.

Tokyo Tech’s website carries updates on the construction of Taki Plaza and scheduled events. Please share our lofty expectations for this new landmark for the Tokyo Tech community.

Kazuya Masu

学生代表メッセージA Message from Our Student Representative

Taki Plazaが学生の自主的な活動の一助となれるような、充実し且つ有用で快適な空間であって欲しいというのが、学生にとって大事な願いです。その願いを具体的な形で実現するために私たちの委員会は『学生の代表』として、日々活動を続けております。

私たちは私たちの抱く『理想のTaki Plaza』を実現するため、Taki Plazaの内装やフロアコンセプトを提案したり、Taki Plazaにおける学生向けのサービスやイベントを企画したり、実際にTaki Plazaがオープンした後のTaki Plazaの利用者ルールや運営を行う私たちのグループの体制を考案したりすることで、Taki Plazaの多くの部分に『学生の立場』から関わっております。

Taki Plazaは2020年の冬にオープンしますが、私たちはそれ以前も以降も様々な活動を行って参ります。Taki Plazaで行いたいことのアイデアやご意見などございましたら何なりとお申し付けください。Taki Plazaがより良い空間となるために東工大の学生のみならず東工大に関わる全ての人たちにご協力をお願いしたいと思っております。

Taki Plaza Gardener 代表
渡邉 聡太朗

On behalf of the entire Tokyo Tech student body, I sincerely look forward to Taki Plaza serving as an enriched, functional, and comfortable space that supports the independent activities of students. To help realize this goal in more concrete terms, the Taki Plaza Student Committee continues to work diligently as representatives of Tokyo Tech’s students.

To realize our ideal vision of Taki Plaza, the committee has been vigorously involved in many aspects, championing the student perspective. That includes submitting proposals for interior design and floor concepts; the planning of services and events addressing student needs; and devising ideas on rules to govern facility use as well as our group structure that will run the facility.

We will continue to promote an extensive range of initiatives both up to and after Taki Plaza’s opening in the late of 2020. Never hesitate to give us your ideas, opinions, and other comments on how you would like to utilize the facility. As we pursue our mission to raise Taki Plaza to a space of the highest caliber, we look forward to fruitful cooperation with not only students but also all individuals in the Tokyo Tech community.

Sotaro Watanabe
Taki Plaza Student Committee







As we set out to create a venue perfectly suited to encouraging exchange between Japanese and international students, we focused first on the characteristics of the Ookayama Campus. Taki Plaza is a new space for Tokyo Tech students, and will have rolling contours that mirror the campus landscape as well as an atrium in harmony with those lines. This new feature, highlighted by an artificial tree deck and greenery covering the surrounding area, also blends into the greenery of the adjoining library and rows of cherry and ginkgo trees. This greenery will usher a new flow of students onto the campus grounds. The hill-shaped architecture follows the undulating terrain of Ookayama, yet does not obstruct the view of the main building’s clock tower from the main gate.

Taki Plaza will boast the following interior features and layouts. The B2 underground level, for example, is designed as an event space distinguished by a large stairway that leads to the library dry area. The B1 level offers direct access to the library as well as a support area suitable for career and academic counseling and relaxed student interaction. The first floor houses the administrative offices (integrating functions previously scattered around the campus) and a lobby space where students can meet and gather. The second floor is a group study area. All floors have direct exterior approaches. The massive atrium connects all four of these distinctive floors, and the combination of activities taking place on all levels will contribute to spontaneous encounters and energy.

Kengo Kuma and Associates


Taki Plaza の階段状に積みあがる形状から、各階の機能を「一つの木」に喩えるフロアコンセプトを学生が考案しました。イベントスペースのあるB2Fは、原動力となる養分や水分を取り入れる「根っこ」。仲間と交流し、原動力“Inspiration”を得ます。留学・就職情報エリアのあるB1Fは、雨や風にも負けない強い「木の幹」。世界を通じて己を知り、積極的に学修し、何にも負けない知識“Knowledge”を得ます。カフェやパブリックアートのある1Fは、外の世界へ葉を広げる「木の枝」。さまざまな人との交流を深め、外の世界と “Association(繋がり)”ます。グループ研究室のある2Fは、B2Fから2Fで身につけた力が結実する「果実」。同じ方向を向いた仲間と長い年月や苦難を越えて、一つの大きな果実“Technology”を結びます。

The floor concept is the brainchild of our students. Each level draws on the metaphor of a single tree, reflected in the configuration of the stairway. The event space on B2 is the “roots” absorbing nutrients and water, where peer interaction yields inspiration. B1 features the study abroad and career support area and is the “trunk” that withstands the elements. Here, students learn about themselves by learning about the world, research proactively, and attain the knowledge to surmount all obstacles.

The first floor — with its café, public art area, and other features — is a flourishing “branch” that deepens interaction with all people, generating meaningful associations with the outside world. The second-floor group research area is the “fruit” of personal strength cultivated from the B2 level up to this crowning floor. Along with fellow students and others, we will tackle and overcome myriad challenges, ultimately yielding the rich rewards of technology.

  • イベントスペース
  • Attic Lab
  • 学務部窓口カウンター
  • キャンパスライフインフォメーションエリア
  • グローバルラウンジ
  • ワークショップルーム
  • カフェ